How to send EOF to the popen(3) pipe?

Montgomery-Smith, Stephen stephen at
Sat Jan 16 04:37:11 UTC 2016

On 01/15/2016 09:36 PM, Yuri wrote:
> Is there a way to send the EOF to popen(3) pipe?
> Imagine the situation when the child process works in a stream fashion,
> processes objects one by one, and stops on EOF from stdin. One has to be
> able to send EOF to get to the end of the last processed object.
> Otherwise reading from the descriptor will generally block.

Maybe I am displaying my ignorance.  But wouldn't you do this by
invoking the function pclose?

> Linux man page says that popen is unidirectional on Linux. But FreeBSD
> supports bi-directional popen.

My memory of using this was that this could gridlock because of
buffering.  Suppose process A popens a process B.  A sends a message to
B.  But the end of the message often never arrives unless A also does a
fflush.  So then B just sits there waiting.  If A does do a fflush, then
B knows to reply back.  But B also has to do a fflush after it has
replied.  If B happens to be a piece of code you haven't written
yourself, there is nothing you can do to force it to do a fflush.  If
you run B in a terminal, you won't notice this behavior, because the
stdio package automatically does a fflush at the end of every new line
if it is writing out to a terminal.

You can get around this by using pseudo-terminals to connect process A
to process B, but I don't think popen is this sophisticated.  But you
could probably do this using a script called unbuffer:
This is included in the lang/expect port, but for some reason this
script is not in /usr/local/bin but in /usr/local/share/expect

But now I see what your original problem was.  When you open a
bidirectional popen, you really need to have two separate pclose command
- one for each direction.  You want to close the input stream to the
program before you close the output stream to the program.

Yes, I think un unsophisticated bidirectional popen is fairly useless.
I think that is why Linux never bothered to implement it.

Look at the first answer to this question:

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