EFI/ZFS Update: successful tests, need more complex vdevs

Eric McCorkle eric at metricspace.net
Fri Jan 15 13:59:14 UTC 2016

Thanks to Steven for picking this up, and thanks to everyone who helped 
with the integration effort (particularly for working out how to 
integrate libstand directly).

I plan to look into booting from a GELI-encrypted partition next, and in 
the longer-term, I'm interested in some kind of cryptographic signature 
checking ability.

On 01/14/16 21:41, Steven Hartland wrote:
> Just wanted to let everyone know that I just finished committing these
> changes to the tree.
> Huge thanks to Eric's for his work on this, as well as everyone else who
> contributed.
> I've set the target for MFC of 2 weeks, so I hope to be able to get this
> into stable/10 before the 10.3 slush, so if you're interested in this
> change please test a head build > r294068 ASAP.
>      Regards
>      Steve

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