relaunchd: a portable clone of launchd

dan_partelly dan_partelly at
Tue Jan 12 18:11:02 UTC 2016

On Tue, 12 Jan 2016 19:48:19 +0200, Konstantin Belousov
<kostikbel at> wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 12, 2016 at 07:59:11AM -0800, Hubbard Jordan wrote:
>> > On Jan 12, 2016, at 4:59 AM, Konstantin Belousov
<kostikbel at>
>> > wrote:
>> > 
>> > I highly recommend to Google for "Mach IPC sucks" if reader is really
>> > interested.
>> And here we return to the usual trap???
>> ???Mach IPC sucks!???
>> ???OK.  What do you propose that will address all of the same
>> concerns????
>> ???dbus!???
> I did not said this.
On Tue, 12 Jan 2016 19:48:19 +0200, Konstantin Belousov
<kostikbel at> wrote:

>>2. most people do not care anyway, and already use less ambitious
>>   but more practical alternatives.

Oh, ppl do care. Perhaps someone which enjoys building Rupe Goldberg
from shell scripts will not care, but the rest will do.
Why else do you think kd-bus exists, and that those developers
continue to poor significant effort into it, even full redesigns , after
failed attempts to integrate it in the kernel ?

>> story of Mach IPC being convenient or nice is not quite right

but  you cannot deny that it so far it did the job well for Apple so far.
Even if Apple will roll a new IPC in the next years, so far Mach ports 
where useful for them. 

So it is not like NextBSD guys just pulled something unused from 80s from 

>> ???*Sigh*.  You haven???t even looked at the two technologies in any
>> depth, have you?  Go read the dbus wikipedia page, at least!  Unix
>> sockets underneath, no kernel<->userland communication path, no trusted
>> IPC mechanism, no support for large messages??????
> Is this directed at me, or just presents an imaginary dialog  between
> and some third party ?
>> ???OK, so something new!!  We should totally create an IPC for the New
>> Millennium!???
>> ???That would be you then?  Where???s your white paper?  Where???s your
>> reference implementation????
>> <crickets>
>> Sorry.  Been there, had this debate, and while it???s always extremely
>> easy to fling poop at an existing mechanism, it turns out it???s so
>> harder to actually *create an alternative* that this kind of discussion
>> only serves to throw cold water on evolution (???the perfect being the
>> enemy of the good enough???) and the end-result is that evolution does
>> not occur.
>> I also already covered how it???s very easy to layer something like XPC
>> *on top* of Mach IPC such that you, the programmer, need never be
>> to the Mach IPC APIs (but still get to leverage the internal
>> I???ve already covered).
>> Sorry, Konstantin, but yours is a non-argument.
> What is a non-argument in my previous message ?  I made two points:
> 1. story of Mach IPC being convenient or nice is not quite right
>    (as most other stories of the great older tech which did not
> 2. most people do not care anyway, and already use less ambitious
>    but more practical alternatives.
> I did not suggested any substitution for Mach IPC, and I do not see much
> point on spending energy on discussing its alternatives or even trying
> to design new uber-IPC solution, mostly due to item 2.
> Item 1 is what caused my reaction to your text.
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