relaunchd: a portable clone of launchd

Dan Partelly dan_partelly at
Tue Jan 12 13:49:56 UTC 2016

Verbose is not bad , Konstantin .  I actually prefer verbose source. It is easy to read and understand.
It is preferable all day long to clever hacks and obfuscated ways of   writing code

Ill tell you one thing. Years ago, when Ms Leaked  on their site ntoskrnl.exe symbols with private debug 
information , I dint had too much trouble understanding a lot of the implementation details from the kernel , 
exactly because MS is verbose. And that .. in WinDbg assembly. The source would have been much much 
more  easier to read. 

Yeah, MS’s APIs are not the best I give you that. But regarding *readability* , Windows is leaps and bounds
ahead of any Unix I seen. It is extremely easy to figure out what a certain function does, how they use data 
structures, and what the members of said data structures represent.

I like verbosity. Makes figuring things easier, makes maintenance easier. I frankly hope to spend as little of possible 
of my life reading terse source code. This is also why I like Ada language. Its a joy to read Ada source. 

> On 12 Jan 2016, at 14:59, Konstantin Belousov <kostikbel at> wrote:
> nybody who used Win32 and even whispered a word about bloated and verbose
> interfaces that require two screens of boilerplate to do trivial things,
> would be much more amazed by Mach IPC.

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