relaunchd: a portable clone of launchd

Jonathan de Boyne Pollard J.deBoynePollard-newsgroups at
Sat Jan 2 11:28:58 UTC 2016

Julian Elischer:

> It would appear we have an embarrassment of riches. Someone correct
> me  if I'm wrong but we have:
> * nosh
> * actual launchd with jkh's project
> * now relaunchd
> and of course some people like the flexibility and debugability of
> rc.d and are improving these.

Relax.  This is a good thing.  (-:

 From my perspective, at least, the best things that you (plural) can be 
doing right now are:

1.  Seeing what you can make of the to-do list that was in the Status 


What can you do to get progress reporting into fsck, for example?  Or 
boot_bare into the loader?

2.  Install and use the system.  Take the timorous admin's how-to in 
hand, with PC-BSD or FreeBSD 10, and see how far you get.


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