autofs problem

Daniel Braniss danny at
Sun Feb 14 14:55:34 UTC 2016

I’m converting our (very) old am-utils maps to use the new autofs,
so I wrote a python script that queries the am-utils map, and ‘generates’
one that autofs likes.
so autofs_master has:
/cs	auto_cs

auto_cs is a python script and is executable.

at the moment I’m stuck with what am-utils  type=link
so I’m using -fstype=nullfs :/cs/some-path, but before this can work I need
to trigger autofs with the /cs/some-path, so before the script returns I do a
but this returns an error, mainly because it is not caught by autofs!
doing the same in the command line works, and later the nullfs too, (i’m afraid
of what the auto unmount will do later, but that’s another issue)

is this by design? or is there some better way?


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