ZFS - directory entry

Peter Jeremy peter at rulingia.com
Wed Dec 14 18:52:20 UTC 2016

On 2016-Dec-14 16:27:00 +0100, Dirk-Willem van Gulik <dirkx at webweaving.org> wrote:
>A rather odd directory entry (in /root, the home dir of root/toor) appeared on a bog standard FreeBSD 10.2 (p18) lightly loaded machine under ZFS during/post a backup:
>$ ls -la /root | tail -q
>----------   1 root  wheel  9223372036854775807 Jan  1  1970 ?%+?kD?H???x,?5?Dh;*s!?h???jw??????\h?:????????``?13?@?????OA????????Puux????<T]???R??Qv?g???]??%?R?
>OS and ZFS is installed with a bog standard sysinstall. ‘SMART’ nor smartd have reported anything. nothing in dmesg, syslog of boot log. Any suggestions as how to debug or get to the root of this ? 
>And in particular - what is a risk of a reboot (to get a kernel with debug, etc) causing the issue to ‘go away’ - and hence stopping the forensic ?

Do you have ECC RAM?  If not, it's possible this is an artifact of some RAM
corruption, rather than on-disk corruption.

I'm surprised by the slow scrub, though they are very slow disks.  You might
like to use gstat or zpool iostat to see if one of the disks is slower than
the others - indicating a possible problem with it.

Peter Jeremy
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