Linuxisms in s6

Lars Engels lars.engels at
Thu Aug 25 19:48:25 UTC 2016

On Thu, Aug 25, 2016 at 08:46:10AM -0700, Adrian Chadd wrote:
> On 24 August 2016 at 21:53, Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
> <J.deBoynePollard-newsgroups at> wrote:
> >
> > , Adrian Chadd:
> >
> >> We're using s6 at work, and it works out mostly ok. Mostly once you get
> >> around the linuxisms, and the lack of sensible time code in it (its
> >> calculations for daemon run duration is based on system time, not wall
> >> clock, so if your box boots jan 1, 1970 then gets NTP, things are..
> >> hilarious), and some of the arcane bits to get logging working right.
> >>
> > What are these Linuxisms in s6?  s6-linux-utils and s6-linux-init have
> > Linuxisms, obviously.  But what Linuxisms does s6 have?
> We just had a bunch of fun trying to get it to build right, and the
> uptime stuff really threw us.
> It's fine though, I found that s6 may start growing an IPC mechanism
> so we could possibly do a launchd/jobd style service later (ie to run
> things upon event changes, like ifup, ifdown, ifcreate, ifdestroy,
> arbitrary messages, etc) so I may try incorporating it again. :)

Can't this be done with devd? 
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