Info about suspend-to-disk

Torsten Zuehlsdorff mailinglists at
Tue Aug 23 10:48:08 UTC 2016

On 23.08.2016 05:41, Eric McCorkle wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I'm gathering information in preparation for possibly working on
> suspend-to-disk functionality.  I have a fairly good idea of what it
> would take and one way to attack it.  The overall plan would look
> something like this:
> * Use dump functionality to write an entire OS image out to disk.  As
> this is a voluntary dump, it should be possible to go through the FS
> interface to produce a regular file.
> * Modify boot1 to check for saved images.  Load and resume if one exists.
> * Presumably there would need to be some new device methods added to do
> saving/reinitialization of devices.
> The major open questions for me are the following:
> * Is there/has there been significant work in this direction?
> * Is there perhaps a better strategy?
> * Do the codepaths currently exist to allow dump functionality to write
> to a regular file in the case of a voluntary dump, or would this need to
> be added?
> * What would be the most sensible default behavior for device
> hibernate/unhibernate methods?
> * Any other significant issues

What about encryption? I used encryption and ZFS - how should this work? ;)


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