Diskless workstation and some minor issues

BERTRAND Joël joel.bertrand at systella.fr
Mon Apr 25 08:01:12 UTC 2016

Konstantin Belousov a écrit :
> On Tue, Apr 19, 2016 at 08:14:03AM -0600, Ian Lepore wrote:
>> On Tue, 2016-04-19 at 15:58 +0200, BERTRAND Jo?l wrote:
>>> 	Second trouble. /var/log/message contains a lot of :
>>> Apr  9 10:50:00 pythagore atrun[862]: cannot lock /var/at/jobs/:
>>> Permission denied
>>> 	> Of course, lockd and statd are running on nfs server. Permission on
>>> /var/at are :
>>> root at pythagore:/var/at # ls -al
>>> total 8
>>> drwxr-xr-x   4 root    wheel  512 Aug 12  2015 .
>>> drwxr-xr-x  28 root    wheel  512 Apr 15 09:14 ..
>>> drwxr-xr-x   2 daemon  wheel  512 Aug 12  2015 jobs
>>> drwxr-xr-x   2 daemon  wheel  512 Aug 12  2015 spool
>>> root at pythagore:/var/at #
>>> 	> I don't understand where is the mistake.
>> This is a more serious problem.  I have found it to be impossible to
>> run a diskless workstation with a persistant /var mounted via NFS
>> (either by itself or as a directory within the nfs rootfs).  It's been
>> this way for several years.  You can add varmfs=yes to your rc.conf to
>> get a working system, but then you have a non-persistant /var which
>> really isn't very useful.
>> Hmm, but the problems I usually have are with /var/run and pidfiles.
>>   I've never noticed this /var/at problem (maybe just because I gave up
>> trying to run with an nfs-mounted /var before I noticed them).
> I successfully run with nfs-mounted /var (actually, part of the nfs-mounted
> root) on my test machines, with the following boot setting:
> boot.nfsroot.options="nolockd"
> What you need is the working advisory locks, but since /var is by its
> structure, private, there is no need to share locking with the server
> or other clients. nolockd makes the client kernel to handle adv locks
> autonomously, without lockd/statd protocol.

	Sorry for the delay, my diskless FreeBSD workstation is far away...

	Last saturday, I have added in /boot/loader.conf :


	First line works as expected but if I keep the second one uncommented, 
FreeBSD doesn't boot anymore. Kernel is loaded and launchs init but 
dhclient refuses to send DHCP request to server...



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