Self introduciton of Hao Sun and thoughts on LibNetstat
Mehmet Erol Sanliturk
m.e.sanliturk at
Mon Mar 23 08:47:44 UTC 2015
On Sun, Mar 22, 2015 at 11:50 PM, Gabor Pali <pgj at> wrote:
> Hi Hao,
> 2015-03-22 13:09 GMT+01:00 Hao Sun <sunhao2013 at>:
> > Following your guidance, I've cloned the FreeBSD mirror from GitHub and
> will get down to
> > have an initial scratch with the latest version.
> That is great. I forgot to mention, but maybe it is also said on the
> introductory wiki pages you have also cited originally, that it is
> probably the best if you try to build the userland ("world") and the
> kernel on your VM and install it first. This should give you the
> basic feel for the development cycle and help to spot problems with
> the clean system itself before you start hacking on it. The
> development branch of FreeBSD (that is called "current") shall build
> and install just fine for most of the time, but do not be discouraged
> if not, ask for help.
> > On the project's wiki page [1], I think the target for GSoC
> > 2015 is to finish the tasks haven't been done in the following table.
> But according to your
> > comments in the emails, it seems like I need to start the job from
> scratch. Thus the question
> > is should I keep the existing code and add new features to the previous
> version or just start
> > the project from the very beginning?
> I might have sounded a bit pessimistic, I do not necessarily insist on
> rewriting the entire library :-) I think it is just common sense:
> study the current implementation, take a look at the FreeBSD ecosystem
> and kernel, discuss the topic with the interested hackers, and work
> out your proposal based on your findings. You may find some of the
> old code base and concepts reusable, which is excellent, and you may
> decide to take another approach for the rest. It might be worthwhile
> to accommodate some "stretch goals" in your proposal if you
> accidentally completed your summer task too quickly :-)
> For making things a bit easier (hopefully) for you, I may also include
> George Neville-Neil in the conversation (see him CC'ed) who has shown
> some interest in driving this library into the base system in the past
> if I recall correctly. Along with Robert, he is also a high-profile
> src committer, with experience in networking and related areas. (And
> also a potential mentor for this project as well?)
> Cheers,
> Gábor
> [1]
> _______________________________________________
To improve the acceptance of "Testing" concepts , another good point may be
to define a testing facility of the developed sources through use of
Jenkins during the development :
Following the principles like defined in the following pages may be useful
( I think these are ignored grossly in many open ( I do not have any idea
about closed ) source projects ) :
Following the above steps and producing reports by considering them , will
make the generated software much more easily maintainable by several people
and over time even by the initial developer .
Thank you very much .
Mehmet Erol Sanliturk
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