Brainy: Set of 17 potential bugs

Maxime Villard max at
Fri Jul 3 22:52:45 UTC 2015

Le 03/07/2015 18:30, Pedro Giffuni a écrit :
> Hi Maxime;
> Le 28/02/2015 15:51, Maxime Villard a écrit :
>> Hi,
>> I have been developing a C code scanner for a while, particularly good at
>> finding kernel bugs. I've scanned the FreeBSD tree partially, and among
>> the numerous results, I've put here a list of 17 bugs affecting the
>> FreeBSD-10 Stable kernel:
> I think:
> # 04 SYS/NFS/
>         _01/FIXED-rev279405|UNINITIALIZED VAR: krpc_subr.crev256281
>                  Uninitialized var 'so' at l.430.
> is a false positive.
> The socket is created on line 222.

I guess you didn't spot the "FIXED-rev279405" mentioned in the line you
just quoted.

Fixed four months ago:


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