libxo: bringing it in for netstat

Alfred Perlstein alfred.perlstein at
Mon Jan 26 19:15:30 UTC 2015

On Jan 26, 2015, at 10:57 AM, Marcel Moolenaar wrote:

>> On Jan 26, 2015, at 9:38 AM, Alfred Perlstein <alfred.perlstein at> wrote:
>> Folks,
>> I have a huge number of commitments at work which will keep me from having the time to finish up my libxo netstat work.  Or in fact most anything FreeBSD for the upcoming few weeks or months even.
>> I actually believe that the netstat port to libxo is ready for inclusion (almost) but in case there are bugs I would likely not be responsive enough to keep a angry mob from forming.
> You said almost: what’s missing?

As far as I know nothing right now.  I am just worried as the program is setgid kmem and although libxo is awesome I caught some formatting errors that upset it and cause it to crash during development.  so it should be audited imo.

Otherwise I'd commit it now if I had time to deal with any bug blowback.


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