How to control and setup service?

Pavel Timofeev timp87 at
Fri Aug 28 16:17:06 UTC 2015

A special key, not defaul behaviour
28 авг. 2015 г. 19:05 пользователь "Allan Jude" <allanjude at>

> On 2015-08-28 12:03, Pavel Timofeev wrote:
> > One more idea is to have a key that would delete from rc config file any
> > other rcopts which are not being set by tool when user run it.
> > Like delete all of already defined rcopts and then set only requested
> > rcopts.
> That is a big vague.
> If I understand correctly, you are saying, if you 'service mysql
> disable', you want it to delete mysql_datadir= ?
> I am not sure I like that. There is no harm in having the leftover
> variables left in place, and there is harm if you remove stuff people
> were expecting to keep around (if I say, disable the sql server before
> upgrading, and I don't want it to restart until I am sure my upgrade and
> 3 reboots have all gone successfully)
> --
> Allan Jude

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