Bazaaring the cathedral (Lowering the Barrier to Entry)

Julian H. Stacey jhs at
Thu Apr 2 13:54:21 UTC 2015

Hans Petter Selasky wrote:
> I hope this is not one more of those April fools :-)

I've been thinking that since Eitan's first post of 
	Wed, 1 Apr 2015 09:55:11 -0700 (18:55 CEST)
	"self-serve commit access"
I kept wondering what would keep looneys out ? :-)

Your experience feeding back to Linux was interesting, I suppose
we assume "the grass is greener" till we hear someone tried it :-)

  Your mailer software auto fold mechanism is bad, best turn it off.
  It corrupted quote from Hans Petter.  It inserted repeated "\n" not "\n> "

Julian Stacey, BSD Linux Unix C Sys Eng Consultant Munich
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