openssl with aes-in or padlock

Wojciech Puchar wojtek at
Thu Sep 11 21:33:34 UTC 2014

>> #openssl speed -evp aes-256-cbc
> First off, you won't get much speed up w/ CBC encrypt...  Try testing
> using aes-256-ctr instead...  CBC can't process multiple blocks in
> parallel like CTR can...  if you measure the cbc _decrypt_ speed, you
> should see a big improvement as CBC decrypt can be parallelized...
>> in the same time dd from geli encrypted ramdisk to /dev/null is 66MB/s
> geli uses a different framework for it's crypto processing.. for geli,
> make sure you have the aesni kernel module loaded before you attach
> to a geli disk...  You should get kernel messages like the following:
> GEOM_ELI: Device gpt/werner.eli created.
> GEOM_ELI: Encryption: AES-XTS 256
> GEOM_ELI:     Crypto: hardware

yes i have this. contrary to what you say - both AES-XTC and AES-CBC gets 
MUCH faster with AES-NI.

> notice the Crypto: hardware line..  Also, make sure that your geli
> sector size is 4k instead of 512...  This reduces the loop overhead,

as i already said - geli works fast and make use of AES-NI or padlock

openssl does not

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