how to kernel printf a int64_t?

Eric van Gyzen eric at
Fri Oct 31 00:53:57 UTC 2014

On 10/30/2014 17:01, Rick Macklem wrote:
> I feel kinda dumb asking this, but...
>        int64_t i;
>        printf("%qd\n", (u_quad_t)i);
> works but looks dorky, to put it technically;-).
> Is there a better way to printf() a int64_t in the kernel?

The ANSI C way would be:

#include <machine/_inttypes.h>

int64_t i;
printf("%"PRId64"\n", i);

It's probably bad form to directly #include a file name with an
underscore into an implementation file, but I don't see any other way. 
Maybe we could create a <sys/inttypes.h> that #includes the necessary
files to be a kernel equivalent of <inttypes.h>.


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