junior kernel tasks

Marcus von Appen mva at freebsd.org
Tue Oct 28 20:42:11 UTC 2014

Quoting John Baldwin <jhb at freebsd.org>:

> On Saturday, October 25, 2014 4:45:36 pm Mateusz Guzik wrote:
>> Hello,
>> In short, nice kernel tasks people with C language skills can do in few
>> evenings.
>> https://wiki.freebsd.org/JuniorJobs
>> It is assumed you know how to obtain sources and build the kernel.
>> What you can get in return:
>> - your own code in FreeBSD tree
>> - eternal glory [1]
>> - fun [2]
>> If you are not interested, but know someone who does, please pass it
>> down.
>> [1] - not really, no
>> [2] - well, I guess that's subjective, so that's not a "no"
> Even though our bugmeisters have decided that we should not have wishlist
> items in our bug tracker, I really wish we could store the various idea lists
> (we have several) in an issue tracker instead.  This would allow for folks to
> comment on ideas, vote for them, etc.  It would also make it easier for more
> people to submit new ideas.

Speaking not strictly with the bugmeister hat, but from experience, please do
not let us go down the road of (ab)using a bug tracking solution as task and
idea management system. I think that using the tasks feature of phabricator
(our reviews instance) would provide better workflow support for those things,
starting out from sketching out rough ideas, discussing them, breaking them up
in seperate tasks (linked to and dependent on each other) and collaborating
on them (take a look at https://developer.blender.org/T42339 for a  
brief example).

Having said this, let's keep the bug tracker a bug tracker.


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