nosh version 1.9

Alfred Perlstein bright at
Thu Oct 23 03:40:37 UTC 2014

On 10/22/14 7:49 PM, Jordan Hubbard wrote:
>> On Oct 22, 2014, at 7:16 PM, Outback Dingo <outbackdingo at <mailto:outbackdingo at>> wrote:
>> Actually our port is "very" xml aware :) see <>
> OK, well, launchd as originally designed certainly was not (and is not) xml-aware.  This was on purpose.  You don’t want a lot of surface area in pid 1, which can never crash, nor do you want to bake your serialization format into stone tablets.
> launchctl(1) does all the XML parsing and then passes the results to launchd using its own custom IPC format.  Was there some particular reason you violently inserted the XML parsing directly into launchd after the original architect(s) went to such pains to avoid such blatant penitentiary experiences? :-)
I could see the utility of that.  One of our senior full stack devs says 
that XML is "triggering" and that they wouldn't want to work on such a 
system.  Perhaps it's to keep web people out?


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