nosh version 1.9

Jordan Hubbard jkh at
Wed Oct 22 23:08:06 UTC 2014

> On Oct 22, 2014, at 3:06 PM, Jonathan de Boyne Pollard <J.deBoynePollard-newsgroups at> wrote:
> Feel free to thank the valiant and noble failures of the launchd porters for the fact that there's one alternative to BSD init that doesn't put an XML parser into the program for process #1.  (-:

Also, just to correct what has always been a rather blatant misconception about launchd.  Launchd knows *nothing* (NUH-THING) about XML.  There is no XML parser in process 1.  Anyone who thinks this has simply never even looked at how launchd works.   It’s completely agnostic to configuration file formats and wouldn’t know a configuration file format if one bit it on the ass.  That’s actually one of the more elegant aspects of its design!

- Jordan

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