nosh version 1.9

Jonathan de Boyne Pollard J.deBoynePollard-newsgroups at
Sun Oct 19 00:53:39 UTC 2014

nosh version 1.9 is out.  If you've not heard of it, here's the blurb:


If you also read the worked example, make sure that you read all of the 
way to the bottom.  (-:  If you want to read more, there's a whole Guide 
in the package, and lots of manual pages.

There's now a command for converting FreeBSD /etc/rc.conf{,.local} 
preset information (the *_enable variables) to service bundle preset 
information.  For kicks, I've also added a small shim for the OpenBSD 
"rcctl" command that they're busy inventing.  It's worth noting that 
OpenBSD 5.6 now specifies that /etc/rc.conf{,.local} doesn't have shell 
expansions and isn't necessarily sourced by a shell, which is change 
that I welcome with open arms.  I will be looking at conversion of 
OpenBSD *_flags variables; but the big thing that remains in this area 
is a utility that pushes all of the other variables, apart from 
*_enable, into envdirs in the appropriate service bundles, which is 
going to be a tedious one-by-one slog because sometimes the variable 
names don't match the service names, as you no doubt know.

I set myself a task of converting to service bundles all but two of the 
157 non-target scripts that I found in a stock FreeBSD /etc/rc.d/ .  
I've reached 85.  A lot of the remaining scripts are complex, often 
one-shot, shell scripts onto the side of which the rc.d start/stop 
system has been bolted, with varying degrees of success.  If you are 
interested in helping, one of the things that would help greatly is 
factoring out the meat of some of these into helper commands of some 
kind, reducing the lopsided hulks to something more like (say) 
/etc/rc.d/rpcbind .  (I can supply a list.)  As reciprocal payment in 
advance, I'm letting you know that /etc/rc.d/msgs is missing all of the 
rc.d mechanism, and so does the same thing on every 
start/stop/restart/whatever command verb. Although I suggest that 
factoring out things in this way is a gain for the rc.d system, too, and 
of mutual benefit.

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