cluster FS?

krad kraduk at
Wed Oct 1 11:03:23 UTC 2014

These are my definitions, hopefully it makes some stuff a little clearer

Cluster file system: a file system that resides on a block device that
multiple machines have rw access to, but that consistency is guaranteed. A
good real world example of this is an VMware ESX datastore. ie a lun is
presented to all the esxi hosts in the cluster, all of which can access it
simultaneously. The key thing here is the guarantee of consistency.

Distributed file system: A network file system that is created out of
multiple nodes working together to provide a fault tolerant service.
examples of this is luster, glusterfs, moosefs, p-nfs, openafs. One of the
key things to understand here is that these file systems generally sit on
top of the normal os file systems and each node has its own discreet
storage. All replication is done via the network.

Looking at your setup, if you want to provide a fault tolerant setup with
your existing san there are two main paths I can think of. I am making the
assumption the san is fault tolerant to your requirements

option one
create a set of LUNs and present them to your file server nodes.
on one node create the file systems of your choice (prob zfs)
setup carp in a master/slave setup with a vip, and import/export functions
for the file systems
export your file systems via nfs/cifs

If you are dead set on using freebsd for this it will be more tricky to do
this as a lot of work will have to be done by yourself. The main thing is
making sure you dont have fs mounted in both nodes at once in a split brain
scenario.  If you can use other OS's something like sun cluster/veritas
cluster/red hat cluster can do all of this for you. The advantages of this
arch is that if you go for one of the commercial solutions you will have
support and there are plenty of people out there with experience in this.

option two
use a distributed file system

Basically here you would create 2x sets of luns and present one set to each
node, and only one node. Format and mount up the luns to your preferences
on each system.
Install and configure the distributed file system of your choice and use
the newly mounted file systems on each node as your datastores

You should probably look at moosefs and glusterfs 1st, and then maybe
openafs if you are going to use freebsd as the host system, but if you went
for linux you would have a bigger choice at present

On the two nodes of the distributed file system you would then want a
relatively simple carp setup to float a VIP between the boxes. All clients
would use this vip for their connection points. Also make sure the
distributed FS is mounted back onto the Node as a normal mount point. This
allows you to re-export it via cifs and NFS

Finally for the clients. They have 3 basic ways of connecting to the vip.
These should cover most eventualities

1. Native distributed fs client.
2. NFS.

The advantages of this over option one is it scales very well depending on
your distributed fs of choice. It also means you can easily break away from
you san over time if you want to, as all you need to do is add more nodes
not on the san, and replicate to storage to them, then drop out the san

I hoe this helps a little

On 1 October 2014 10:38, Jordan Hubbard <jkh at> wrote:

> > On Oct 1, 2014, at 12:02 PM, Anton Shterenlikht <mexas at>
> wrote:
> >
> > So are you saying that the SAN model
> > is not good for active/active failover
> > with multiple nodes?
> Correct.  SAN is active/passive.
> For more information on high availability solutions, I suggest you check
> out the big file server vendors - there’s far more pertinent information in
> their various whitepapers then you’ll ever get on freebsd-hackers. :)
> - Jordan
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