send-pr must live

Chris H bsd-lists at
Fri Nov 21 23:00:43 UTC 2014

On Fri, 21 Nov 2014 14:40:32 -0800 Darren Pilgrim
<list_freebsd at> wrote

> On 11/20/2014 10:09 AM, Chris H wrote:
> > As to it having been shell based. While there's nothing wrong with
> > that at all, in fact it's advantageous in many respects. I was toying
> > with the idea of perhaps converting (augmenting) it to being Perl
> > based, by way of a statically linked mini-perl interpreter. I thought
> > it would better *empower* it, also providing for a more "user friendly"
> > dialog. But, like I said; just *toying* with the idea. :)
> You can use any language you like; but you'll need to use Bourne if you 
> want it in base.

I'm *quite* happy with that. I have no reason to want to
unnecessarily burden anyone on a freshish install, with
*having* to have something other than that already provided
in base. :)

Thanks for the reply, Darren.

I see no reason I shouldn't have something fit for review
by the end of the weekend.


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