vm+ipxe+pxeboot fail
Mark Saad
nonesuch at longcount.org
Wed May 7 12:53:41 UTC 2014
> On May 7, 2014, at 3:57 AM, amine tay <amine.tay91 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks Mark for your reply,
> I have already tried to comment out the option "one-lease-per-client" and also simplified the if statement but no changes. I guess the probleme as Doug said the iPXE is sending a client ID and the pxeboot isn't. So then ISC DHCP server doesn't like
> that and gives a different IP. So i guess the solution is to patch bootp.c for the pxeboot. (I will let you know if it works )
> And you're right I'm trying to pxeboot FreeBSD and use puppet to customize the machine.
Help me better understand why one would want to do this, over pxe booting to a nfs rooted FreeBSD environment and running puppet ? I guess I just don't see the big picture here .
> Thanks.
> Amine.
> 2014-05-06 15:08 GMT+02:00 Mark Saad <nonesuch at longcount.org>:
>> Sorry for the delay in my reply .
>>> On Apr 30, 2014, at 9:42 AM, amine tay <amine.tay91 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Mark thanks for your reply,
>>> I have my root-path in dhcpd.conf and etc/exports.
>>> my dhcpd.conf :
>>> authoritative;
>>> subnet netmask {
>>> one-lease-per-client on;
>> Comment out the one lease-per-client option .
>>> range;
>>> default-lease-time 1200;
>>> max-lease-time 43200;
>>> dynamic-bootp-lease-length 1200;
>>> option ntp-servers;
>>> option broadcast-address;
>>> option subnet-mask;
>>> option domain-name "xxxxxxxxxxxxx";
>>> option domain-search "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
>>> option domain-name-servers;
>>> allow duplicates;
>>> allow unknown-clients;
>>> allow booting;
>>> allow bootp;
>> Can you simplify this block to just serve the razor.ipxe image to any request ? So remove the fixed address and the if statement .
>>> host freebsd {hardware ethernet 00:50:56:99:0b:c4; fixed-address; option root-path "/opt/razor/image/image/os/7I2RjjQvo7IkbqO4rLv6kJ";}
>>> if exists user-class and option user-class = "iPXE" {
>>> filename "razor.ipxe"; # we are in an iPXE kernel and load static script
>>> } else {
>>> filename "undionly.kpxe"; # we are in burned in PXE and load iPXE kernel
>>> }
>>> next-server;
>>> }
>>> And the Freebsd pxeboot loader is launched by razor.
>> I suspect the issue is the allow duplicate and one lease per client options clashing with pxeloader . Is your goal here to pxe boot FreeBSD then use puppet to do a custom layout of the install ?
>>> 2014-04-30 15:22 GMT+02:00 Mark Saad <nonesuch at longcount.org>:
>>>> > On Apr 30, 2014, at 4:10 AM, amine tay <amine.tay91 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> >
>>>> > Hi everyone,
>>>> >
>>>> > Lately I had some problems, trying to get FreeBSD to PXE boot. (Actually
>>>> > I'm using a VMware virtual machine.) First I'm using iPXE 1.0.0 and then
>>>> > load and launch the FreeBSD pxeboot
>>>> > <http://man.freebsd.org/pxeboot>loader. But I'm getting this :
>>>> > http://forums.freebsd.org/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=45901
>>>> > When using isc-dhcp as DHCP server I'm getting the error but when using
>>>> > dnsmasq everything works fine.
>>>> >
>>>> > The problem seems that the client when booting is sending 2 DHCP requests
>>>> > and therefore gets two different IP addresses, the first one sent by the
>>>> > ROM and the second one by the FreeBSD
>>>> > pxeboot<http://man.freebsd.org/pxeboot>loader.
>>>> >
>>>> > I found somewhere in some posts that the pxe.c file is doing a second
>>>> > bootprequest because it fails to get cached DHCP data from the ROM.
>>>> >
>>>> > Any help or more ideas would be appreciated.
>>>> It looked like you either do not have options rootpath set in dhcpd.conf , etc/exports is mis configured , the nfs server is disabled or if you have loader built with tftp support you do not have a tftp server setup / running .
>>>> Can you sent the dhcpd.conf the exports file off the server ?
>>>> Mark saad | mark.saad at longcount.org
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>> Mark saad | mark.saad at longcount.org
Mark saad | mark.saad at longcount.org
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