despairing with apache httpd + php

Aled Morris aledm at
Mon Mar 31 16:02:15 UTC 2014

On 31 March 2014 16:53, Chris H <bsd-lists at> wrote:

> No offense. But there's nothing here that indicates anything, but that
> you've
> built/installed www/apache-*, and lang/php* several times, and in several
> different ways.

Sorry, I know - I'm venting my frustration on the list :-)

> There is absolutely no indication that any of the
> build/installs failed their intended purposes.

I think I need some basic help on getting apache with mod_php installed
using the "pkg" tool.  Firstly, is it even possible?  Or am I barking up
the wrong tree?

What packages do I need and which order do I install them?

$ sudo pkg install apache24
$ sudo pkg install php55-mysql

this doesn't result in an web server that executes php.  I have no idea
what to add to the httpd.conf to make it load php since there doesn't seem
to be a "mod_php" file in the php package.


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