Something related to C and C++

Matthias Andree matthias.andree at
Tue Mar 18 09:01:13 UTC 2014

Am 18.03.2014 09:49, schrieb by:
> Thanks for your kind advice : )
> Actually, I bought <<The C++ programming Language>> not mainly for improve my C++ skills, maybe for improve my English : )
> I did some practices in C before, and I find C is a very expressive language these days, cause sometimes when I programming, I just feel like speaking!

Well, C gets long-winded if you start going beyond focused Unix
utilities and on towards larger applications, because it is not
expressive enough.  Be sure not to confuse C and C++ and not to see C++
as C with iostreams or std::string added...

In the end, with C you tend to write many lines of code for what you
will write in a few in C++.  That's not initial learning, though, but
once applications get bigger.

(Some may see this as violation of Unix principles, but sometimes
industry in-house software requirements to not map entirely to Unix
paradigms ;-) so let's avoid bike-shedding.)

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