Break to debugger broken?

Daniel O'Connor doconnor at
Tue Mar 18 07:16:28 UTC 2014

On 18 Mar 2014, at 15:44, Daniel O'Connor <doconnor at> wrote:

> I have a 9-STABLE system I am debugging something on and I've found that ctrl-alt-esc doesn't break into DDB. Ctrl-alt-del works to reboot though.
> I can enter DDB by running 'sysctl debug.kdb.enter=1' and hw.syscons.kbd_debug is set to 1.
> kbdcontrol -d shows..
> #                                                         alt
> # scan                       cntrl          alt    alt   cntrl lock
> # code  base   shift  cntrl  shift  alt    shift  cntrl  shift state
> # ------------------------------------------------------------------
>  000   nop    nop    nop    nop    nop    nop    nop    nop     O
>  001   esc    esc    esc    esc    esc    esc    debug  esc     O
>  002   '1'    '!'    nop    nop    '1'    '!'    nop    nop     O
> ...
>  083   del    '.'    '.'    '.'    '.'    '.'    boot   boot    N
> ...
> Any ideas?

I found it, I didn't have debug.kdb.break_to_debugger set.

Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer
for Genesis Software -
"The nice thing about standards is that there
are so many of them to choose from."
  -- Andrew Tanenbaum
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