[PATCH] simplebus child device probe order control via FDT (motivated by BeagleBone Black)

Patrick Kelsey kelsey at ieee.org
Thu Mar 6 00:53:14 UTC 2014

On Wed, Mar 5, 2014 at 5:44 PM, Warner Losh <imp at bsdimp.com> wrote:

> On Mar 5, 2014, at 2:56 PM, Patrick Kelsey <kelsey at ieee.org> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > On Wed, Mar 5, 2014 at 4:24 PM, Warner Losh <imp at bsdimp.com> wrote:
> >
> > On Mar 5, 2014, at 11:55 AM, Patrick Kelsey <kelsey at ieee.org> wrote:
> >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > On Wed, Mar 5, 2014 at 8:31 AM, Warner Losh <imp at bsdimp.com> wrote:
> > >
> > > On Mar 4, 2014, at 11:53 PM, Patrick Kelsey <kelsey at ieee.org> wrote:
> > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > On Tue, Mar 4, 2014 at 8:21 AM, Ian Lepore <ian at freebsd.org> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > There's a standard property for mmc/sd devices, "non-removable" whose
> > > > presence denotes things like soldered-on eMMC parts.  Only one of our
> > > > many sdhci drivers supports it right now (imx).  In general the core
> > > > part of the driver (dev/sdhci) doesn't have good support for
> > > > insert/remove/presence detection that's handled off to the side
> (whether
> > > > it's non-removable or a gpio pin).
> > > >
> > > > That alone doesn't solve the wider problem, though, which I think
> breaks
> > > > down into two pieces.  Let's say you've got two slots, call them left
> > > > and right.  You end up with these two problems...
> > > >
> > > >       * Sometimes the right slot is mmcsd0, but it turns into mmcsd1
> if
> > > >         there's a card in the left slot when I boot; I don't want it
> to
> > > >         change.
> > > >
> > > > And not just a boot-time issue, of course.  If you were to remove
> those two cards and then reinsert them in the opposite time-order, their
> device names would swap.
> > > >
> > > >       * I want the slot on the left to be named '1' and the right to
> be
> > > >         '0'.
> > > >
> > > > The first problem is easily solved without impacting dts in any way.
>  We
> > > > just wire down the relationship controllerN -> mmcN -> mmcsdN.  This
> is
> > > > exactly equivelent to the old ATA_STATIC_ID option in its effect --
> you
> > > > don't get to choose the names, but you know they won't change based
> on
> > > > which devices are present.  It could be controlled with a tunable.
> > > >
> > > > It's harder to envision the fix for the second part without adding an
> > > > ad-hoc property for the devices.  Even with a property I'm not sure
> how
> > > > easy it would be.
> > > >
> > > > We should be able to assign a geographic address (controllerX:slotY)
> to each mmcsd device in a given system (let's ignore for now the
> theoretical possibility of multiple cards on one bus).  The 'controllerX'
> part of the address could be the controller's pathname from the devicetree,
> or an index assigned by mmcbr machinery at attach time.  The "slotY" part
> of the address is assigned by the specific controller device driver using
> some internally-determined fixed mapping between the assigned values and
> its physical slots.  This geographic address could be used to create an
> additional set of /dev entries with stable names.  There could be a
> mechanism for user-configurable aliases for the geographical addresses.
> > >
> > > There's already a chance to run a script when a device is attached
> that can create /dev/slot0 or /dev/slot1 that has geographical information
> available to it. People use ddvd for this in the USB world all the time to
> make sure that tty devices get a symlink based on their location or serial
> number.
> > >
> > > Why is mmc so different it needs its own mechanism?
> > >
> > > I'm laying out my view of the information that would be needed and the
> types of actions that would have to be taken based on that information to
> solve the issue.  I'm not saying devd can't be the piece that is used to
> implement the actions (indeed, I noted devd as a potential building block
> for a solution in my initial response).  I'm also not saying mmc needs its
> own mechanism, I'm saying it needs /a/ mechanism, and so far there still
> seems to be something missing (because it's not there, or I'm still
> ignorant of it).
> > >
> > > What seems to be missing is geographical addressing for mmc devices.
> > >
> > > I think what you might be saying is that the existing mmcsd add/remove
> code could be augmented to send devctl notifications, along the lines of:
> > >
> > > devctl_notify("MMC", "DEVICE", "ATTACH"|"DETACH", "...
> controller=<controller_device_name_or_better_yet_devicetree_path>
> slot=<slot_number> rca=<rca>")
> > >
> > > and then I and the fine author of devctl and devd would be pleased.
> >
> > MMC doesn't need anything special here. That's already present. Looking
> at the device tree we see on one of the platforms that's handy for me to
> access:
> >
> >     at91_mci0
> >       mmc0
> >         mmcsd0 at rca=0xb368
> >
> > So you know that mmcsd0 is on mmc0 bus attached to at91_mci0, which is
> ultimately the FDT node where things came from. There's not a user-defined
> slot associated with this (and we should have a SLOT A vs SLOT B as a
> location info for this platform, because we can have two cards on the one
> bus in the MMC case), true, but for your use case I don't think that you
> need it. We should be attaching the host controller regardless of whether
> the or not there's a card in there, so it will be fixed. While some
> additional information would be useful to publish, I don't think your use
> case requires it...
> >
> >
> > The reason you need something extra here is that what is there now
> breaks down whenever you don't have a one-to-one mapping between
> controllers and buses.  Any controller with more than one slot can yield
> something of the form:
> >
> > sdhci0
> >   mmc0
> >     mmcsd0 at rca=0xabcd
> >   mmc1
> >     mmcsd1 at rca=0x1234
> >
> > and you have no idea what physical slot in the system mmcsd0 and mmcsd1
> are in.
> The driver isn't going to be able to help you, because it reports mmc0
> based on the data it gets from slot 0 status registers, and mmc1 based on
> slot 1 status registers. Since there's no notion of how that maps to
> physical hardware, the driver can't do anything automatically. And since
> mmc on down is populated by FreeSBD, there's no hints in the FDT tree for
> them.

> > For my immediate use case, sure, I can rely on the one-to-one
> relationship between controllers and buses.  At this point, though, rather
> than skate by on that happy coincidence, I'd rather invest what now seems
> to be a rather small amount of effort adding mmcsd devctl notifications
> that would cover the multiple-slots-per-controller case as well, and then
> build the rest of what I want on top of that information coming out of ddvd.
> Trouble is, how do we know what to send with this new notification. That's
> the part I'm having trouble with. Where does that data come from? And how
> is it different than what's in the device tree?
Each controller driver maintains an instance of struct mmc_host for each
physical bus interface (typically referred to as a 'slot' in the drivers)
it has.  When a card is detected in a given slot by the driver, the driver
creates an mmc bus instance and attaches the struct mmc_host corresponding
to that slot to provide the ivar values.  So let's say struct mmc_host gets
a new member 'slot_number', and a new ivar MMC_IVAR_SLOT_NUMBER is
defined.  The slot number in each instance of struct mmc_host a driver
maintains gets set to a controller-relative index of the corresponding
physical interface - the controller will do this the same way every time,
because it is tied to the register layout of the controller.

After the mmc bus instance is created and its ivars are set,
probe-and-attach is run on that bus, and an mmcsd device instance is
created for each card that is found.  At the point where the mmcsd device
instance is created, one knows the parent bus for that new mmcsd device,
and thus one can get the value of MMC_IVAR_SLOT_NUMBER for that bus, as
well as the name of the controller device instance that is the parent of
the parent bus.  It thus possible at that point to

devctl_notify("MMC", "DEVICE", "ATTACH", "...
controller=<controller_instance_name> slot=<value-of-MMC_IVAR_SLOT_NUMBER>

Because the controller attachment order is the same on every boot, as is
the slot number ivar for a given bus interface on each controller hardware
instance, an identical attach message will be generated every time a card
is discovered in that physical location in the system.  For a given system,
there will thus be a fixed mapping between {controller_instance,slot}
tuples that appear in these messages and the physical MMC/SD device

In the above, I've left out the value of rca from the discussion because
upon further reflection, it cannot be stably tied to a physical location.
If there is a multidrop MMC bus in a system, the physical card locations on
that bus will not be able to be referred to with stable names.  This is the
one area where a new property in the FDT could be useful to convey
multidrop-or-not for each bus interface on a controller.  The new property
could be 'freebsd,max-devices' and would be an array of cells that
indicates the maximum number of MMC/SD devices that can be connected to the
controller bus interface corresponding to that cell index.  The devctl
notification could then include a multidrop indicator in the message.

> > On the at91 platform cited above, that allows you to connect two MMC
> cards to the same bus (i.e., multidrop configuration), is there any way to
> distinguish which card is in which physical slot?  I'm still under the
> impression that this is the one case where we aren't going to be able to
> determine the physical location of every mmcsd device.
> Actually, there's two different configurations, I believe. One that
> supports two SD cards (SLOT A / SLOT B) and one that supports MMC multi
> drop. The former has been tested at least once, while the latter I don't
> think had ever been checked.

I think MMC multidrop will remain a limitation, and perhaps an
insignificant one (does *anyone* know of a current system that does this?).


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