MMC/SDIO stack under CAM
Adrian Chadd
adrian.chadd at
Sat Mar 1 17:05:16 UTC 2014
On 1 March 2014 08:46, Ilya Bakulin <ilya at> wrote:
> Hi Adrian,
> On 24.02.14, 16:59, Adrian Chadd wrote:
>> hi,
>> Let me just reiterate some .. well, experience doing this stuff at QCA.
>> You really, absolutely don't want too much overhead in the MMC/SDIO
>> path between whatever is issuing things and the network driver.
>> There was significant performance work done at QCA on a local MMC/SDIO
>> driver and bus to get extremely low latency and CPU utilisation when
>> pushing around small transactions. The current CAM locking model is
>> not geared towards getting to high transaction rates.
> So here you mean some work done on Linux MMC/SDIO stack by QCA
> which made it far better than current Linux MMC stack in terms of
> high SDIO I/O rates?
Yup. The stock MMC stack/driver in Linux wasn't "fast" enough at small
transactions to sustain the wifi speeds customers required.
>> You may think this is a very architecturally pretty solution and it
>> indeed may be. But if it doesn't perform as well as the existing local
>> hacks that vendors have done, no company deploying this hardware is
>> going to want to use it. They'll end up realising there's this massive
>> CAM storage layer in between and either have to sit down to rip it up
>> and replace it with something lightweight, or they'll say "screw it"
>> and go back to the vendor supplied hacked up Linux solution.
> I think that if the "architecturally pretty solution" behaves worse than
> some ugly hacks, then it may be not so pretty or the architecture is
> just broken
> by design.
>> So I highly recommend you profile things - and profile things with
>> lots of small transactions. If the CAM overhead is more than a tiny,
>> tiny fraction of CPU at 25,000 pps, your solution won't scale. :-)
> I don't really know what to compare with. For MMC/SD cards it is pretty
> obvious, but then these cards will be likely the bottleneck, not the stack.
> And the only goal would be to not make the stack slower than it is now.
> But, as ATA devices are much faster than MMC/SD, I don't think this will
> be a problem.
> For SDIO things are different. But we don't have any drivers (yet), except
> mv_sdiowl that I'm writing, to test on. So I have to bring the SDIO
> stack on CAM,
> than bring mv_sdiowl to the state when it can actually transmit the
> data, and then
> compare performance with the vendor-supplied Linux driver.
> We'll see then if there is a room for improvement...
That sounds like a plan.
Just note that although storage looks like it's doing much more
throughput, the IO size also matters. As I said above, it's not
uncommon to have > 1000 receive frames a second on 802.11n; and that
can peak much higher than that. That's not the kind of IO rate you see
on SD cards. :-)
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