How to make a FreeBSD vm in virtualbox.

Glen Barber gjb at
Wed Dec 31 04:25:08 UTC 2014

On Tue, Dec 30, 2014 at 07:42:36PM -0800, Alfred Perlstein wrote:
> After he linked it to me, I decided that it would make sense if
> this was scripted and would really make sense as part of the release
> process.

We already provide VMDK images.  There is nothing, that I can see, that
is different from how I've been testing the various images.  Creating
a new VM and attaching the VMDK to the disk controller is the intended

> I've written a script that will make a .ova that you can one-click
> import into Virtualbox (and I think Fusion as well) here:

Can you send the script as an attachment?

> What is the best way to get this made into part of the release
> process so that we can get .ovas shipped as well.

I'm inclined to think this is an overkill solution, to be honest.

> One final question, is there a possibility we could add some
> changes to the image so that it auto-dhcp's an address?  Most people
> who just download the image won't know to "dhclient em0" or even
> what an "em0" is.

I think 'ifconfig_DEFAULT="DHCP"' in rc.conf(5) is what you want.


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