Opinions thought regarding: NEWCONS, rc.conf and rc.d/syscons

Stefan Esser se at freebsd.org
Tue Aug 26 10:17:27 UTC 2014

Am 23.08.2014 um 18:31 schrieb Václav Zeman:
> On 21.8.2014 22:42, Stefan Esser wrote:
>> [...]
>> s/^eee_nordic\./nordic.asus-eee./
>> s/^spanish\./es./
>> s/^norwegian\./es./
> This line above looks wrong. Should there something else than "es."?

Good catch! Thank you for your review!

I'm now using a different approach (sh case, instead of sed),
but the error had been moved over and is now fixed ;-)

Regards, STefan

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