run-queue length via sysctl

Stefan Parvu sparvu at
Thu Aug 7 13:30:39 UTC 2014


I made some progress in porting 2 data recorders to FreeBSD:
cpurec, hdwrec:

Im working now on sysrec and found very powerful the sysctl interface since last
time I checked in 2007 or so. 

But I could not find any way to get the value of run-queue length via sysctl.

 procs      memory      page                    disks     faults         cpu
 r b w     avm    fre   flt  re  pi  po    fr  sr mf0 mf1   in   sy   cs us sy id
 0 0 0    757M    61G     6   0   0   0    12   1   0   0    9   50  135  0  0 100
 0 0 0    757M    61G     0   0   0   0     0   1   0   0   21  140  208  0  0 100
 0 0 0    757M    61G     0   0   0   0     0   1   0   0    3  125   94  0  0 100
 0 0 0    757M    61G     0   0   0   0     0   1   0   0    4  125   99  0  0 100

I dont want to call vmstat in my script ... Any ideas how to do this ?

Stefan Parvu <sparvu at>

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