Audio CDs Not Playing

Juergen Lock nox at
Fri Aug 1 18:08:55 UTC 2014

In article <alpine.GSO.1.10.1407310959100.21571 at> you write:
>On Wed, 30 Jul 2014, Dutch Ingraham wrote:
>> Thanks for the info, Ben.  I had actually seen something on that issue in an 
>> old (May 2008) daemonforums post while researching this problem. There, the 
>> poster suggested using amarok or xmms - programs capable of "digital audio 
>> extraction" ( I don't know what that is ) and in which it was implied that 
>> cdcontrol was not capable of.
>> xmms is deprecated and I don't want the hundreds of files that come with 
>> amarok.  I suppose I could try something like audacious, but as noted, vlc 
>> doesn't work either, so I'd prefer to not get into the cycle of downloading a 
>> bunch of similar programs just to find out there was a simple setting I was 
>> missing.
>> Also, the current man page for <cdcontrol> and the handbook don't adress such 
>> a restriction that I could find.
>> Does "digital audio extraction" mean anything to you or is it helpful in ay 
>> way?
>I think I know what it means.  The easiest way to think about it is 
>probably to realize that in order to play audio, the bits recorded on the 
>CD have to make it to the digital-analog converter somehow.  If there's no 
>direct line from the CD drive to the sound card (as we were discussing in 
>the trimmed text), then that data has to be moved around in software. 
>Some tool is needed to extract the audio data from the CD drive, and some 
>tool is needed to send those off to the sound card; these tools can be the 
>same, but need not be.
>I tend to use cdparanoia for the first step, and the play(1) utility 
>provided by audio/sox for the second step, leaving the bits around on my 
>(sizable) hard drive for later use.  It sounds like xmms and amarok can 
>combine the two steps into one, without leaving the bits on disk as an 
>intermediate; I'm not sure offhand whether there are more lightweight 
>utilities that can also do so.

You can use mplayer built with CDIO knob too, see this forum thread:

(which also has info about xpt0 and passX permssions to be adjusted
if you want to do this as non-root.)

 HTH, :)

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