Writing a (BSD like) Operating Systems From Scratch

Paul Wootton paul-freebsd at fletchermoorland.co.uk
Fri May 31 14:10:43 UTC 2013

On 05/25/13 06:44, Welcome, Traiano wrote:
> a)      What kind of hardware (processor) would I use as a development
>> platform, given the requirements of cheap,  well documented, easily
>> obtainable, easy to debug etc ... I believe the hardware platform chosen
>> should satisfy the following requirements:
>> any except PCs unless you will like to deal with CPU and other
>> (over)complexity.
> Exactly my thinking. Most of the online links to operating system development involve x86 hardware, although more and more Microcontrollers are appearing for embedded market with features that previously only existed in mainstream microprocessors. Ideally, the platform I'd choose would have a small enough instruction set to learn (small relative to Intel's mainstream processors), maybe something like  the ARM processor used on Raspberry Pi, or Zilog's ez80 Acclaim series.

In that case, why not look at some of the Microchip's PIC32 development 
There are quite a few options from Microchip, their dev hardware is not 
that expensive and could prove as a good starting point

Looking at their site, dev kit DM320015 has a microcontroller, 4.3" 
WQVGA screen, capacitive touch screen and USB OTG all built on one unit
Or maybe DM320004 + DM320002 + other modules would give a nice platform 
(microcontroller, serial, ethernet, SD socket, wireless interface etc)
(as a side note) I have the DM320004 (uC board), DM320002 (backplane), 
AC164122 (SD card adapter), AC164129 (Audio adapter) and AC164126 
They have loads of source code available, so you could use that as a 
starting point, then go on to writing everything your self, including a 
kernel with a full GUI and touchscreen control if you so wish.

Or, why not try a MaxiMite unit (http://geoffg.net/maximite.html). The 
schematics are available on the website and the PCBs should be available 
(with all combinations from blank PCB to fully populated)

But remember, there are a thousand ways to skin a cat and this is just 


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