find -delete broken, or just used improperly?

Jilles Tjoelker jilles at
Mon May 20 21:47:47 UTC 2013

On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 03:23:16PM -0400, Kurt Lidl wrote:
> OK, maybe I'm missing something obvious, but...

> find(1) says:

>      -delete
>              Delete found files and/or directories.  Always returns true.
>              This executes from the current working directory as find recurses
>              down the tree.  It will not attempt to delete a filename with a
>              ``/'' character in its pathname relative to ``.'' for security
>              reasons.  Depth-first traversal processing is implied by this
>              option.  Following symlinks is incompatible with this option.

> However, it fails even when the path is absolute:

> bhyve9# mkdir /tmp/foo
> bhyve9# find /tmp/foo -empty -delete
> find: -delete: /tmp/foo: relative path potentially not safe

> Shouldn't this work?

The "relative path" refers to a pathname that contains a slash other
than at the beginning or end and may therefore refer to somewhere else
if a directory is concurrently replaced by a symlink.

When -L is not specified and "." can be opened, the fts(3) code
underlying find(1) is careful to avoid following symlinks or being
dropped in different locations by moving the directory fts is currently
traversing. If a problematic concurrent modification is detected, fts
will not enter the directory or abort. Files found in the search are
returned via the current working directory and a pathname not containing
a slash.

For paranoia, find(1) verifies this when -delete is used. However, it is
too paranoid about the root of the traversal. It is already assumed that
the initial pathname does not refer to directories or symlinks that
might be replaced by untrusted users; otherwise, the whole traversal
would be unsafe. Therefore, it is not necessary to do the check for
fts_level == FTS_ROOTLEVEL.

The below patch allows deleting the pathname given to find itself:

Index: usr.bin/find/function.c
--- usr.bin/find/function.c	(revision 250661)
+++ usr.bin/find/function.c	(working copy)
@@ -442,7 +442,8 @@
 		errx(1, "-delete: forbidden when symlinks are followed");
 	/* Potentially unsafe - do not accept relative paths whatsoever */
-	if (strchr(entry->fts_accpath, '/') != NULL)
+	if (entry->fts_level > FTS_ROOTLEVEL &&
+	    strchr(entry->fts_accpath, '/') != NULL)
 		errx(1, "-delete: %s: relative path potentially not safe",

Jilles Tjoelker

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