Binary upgrade from release to stable

Florent Peterschmitt florent at
Sat May 4 18:49:50 UTC 2013


I just proceeded a full upgrade from FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE to the latest
9-STABLE snapshot using tarball sets.

I done it this way :

tar xpf src.txz -C /
tar xf base.txz -C /usr/src
mergemaster -p
mergemaster -FUi
tar cpf etc.tar -C / etc
tar xpf base.tar -C /
tar xpf etc.tar -C /
tar xpf kernel.txz -C /

The system work well, I have all my old merged configuration.

But, does someone has something to remove old files, like a make
delete-old ?

Florent Peterschmitt
+33 (0)6 64 33 97 92
florent at

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