Linux/Cdorked.A and the tool provided by welivesecurity

Florent Peterschmitt florent at
Fri May 3 13:53:18 UTC 2013


I read a news about a malware called Linux/Cdorked.A :

They give a tool to know if our system is infected or not.

Well, I have two questions :

* Is this malware relevant on FreeBSD/*BSD systems ?
* The tool don't work out-of-the-box, what do you think of :

--- dump_cdorked_config.c       2013-05-03 09:48:59.000000000 +0000
+++ dump_cdorked_config-freebsd.c       2013-05-03 12:03:45.851681457 +0000
@@ -6,12 +6,13 @@
 // would like to help, please send the httpd_cdorked_config.bin
 // and your httpd executable to our lab for analysis. Thanks!
-// Build with gcc -o dump_cdorked_config dump_cdorked_config.c
+// Build with gcc -D_KERNEL -o dump_cdorked_config dump_cdorked_config.c
 // Marc-Etienne M.Léveillé <leveille at>

 #include <stdio.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/shm.h>

 #define CDORKED_SHM_SIZE (6118512)

I never developed any peace of code for FreeBSD, then what I'm not sure
of is the use of -D_KERNEL on the build command line.

Since shm_info struct is available only with this define and u_long and
others used by sys/shm.h are in sys/types.h, I found it's a good way to do.

I would like to know too, why does these structs (shm_info) are
available only when using _KERNEL ?

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