Need advice on sys5 shm and zero copy sockets

gary mazzaferro garym at
Mon Mar 4 18:24:16 UTC 2013


Thanks for all the help..  Looks like I'll move forward with
recommending linux as a base for our new cloud execution containers.

Personally, I thought freebsd would be a technically superior and
longer term solution for scientific grid and cloud, but if I can't get
support on best architectural practices. I'll need to move to
something I that will be supported during eval, design and prototyping


On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 1:22 PM, gary mazzaferro <garym at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I was told to post this question here (Ken Merry), it would be a good
> place to get some help. I'm not sure this is doable without a kernel
> module, which I don't want to add.
> I'll explain what I'm attempting..
> I'm designing a high speed rest motor for cloud execution environment.
> 1) I'd like to eliminate copy from the tcp stack to the application(s).
> 2) I'm also sharing the buffers across processes and jails. So I'd
> like to preserve the zero-copy in a msg pipe/unix socket
> 3) Some buffers will go to disk file systems.
> Wish list:
> 4) I'd like it to work with sctp because I like it for local  networking :)
> 5) I'd like to provision memory pools on a per
> application/connection/ip port basis.
> Ultimate Goal:
> 6) Additionally, I'm injecting "code" from a foreign process into the
> workflow of another process (state machine). The connection between
> them will be a signal and shared state information.
> I'm assuming item (6) is a separate issue, but it may impact the direction..
> I've tried shm with zero copy sockets with linux and it just will not work !!
> BTW, I'm returning to freebsd after far too many years
> cheers,
> gary

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