Xorg help

Wojciech Puchar wojtek at wojtek.tensor.gdynia.pl
Thu Jan 31 15:36:25 UTC 2013

>>> What driver should i use with Atom D525? xf86-video-intel29 is the only
>>> one that works, in spite of market as not supported.
> Citing https://wiki.freebsd.org/Intel_GPU
> "Required usermode components are available in the ports tree, you
> need to add WITH_NEW_XORG=true and WITH_KMS=true to /etc/make.conf. "
> the driver you should use is xf86-video-intel (rebuild X/kernel if you
> just changed make.conf)
> I'm not sure if this is reqired, but my kernel has device i915kms and
> device drm. With this configuration intel works perfectly.
thank you very much.
you mean rebuilding X server, X libraries or just xf86-video-intel and 

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