Xorg help

Wojciech Puchar wojtek at wojtek.tensor.gdynia.pl
Thu Jan 31 15:35:42 UTC 2013

> xf86-video-intel29 is not supported.  It was used for a short time when
> gem/kms was still developed.  I have no idea what graphics card your
> atom comes with, it has integrated graphics, but you have to find out

vgapci0 at pci0:0:2:0:     class=0x030000 card=0x574d8086 chip=0xa0018086 
rev=0x02 hdr=0x00
     vendor     = 'Intel Corporation'
     device     = 'N10 Family Integrated Graphics Controller'
     class      = display
     subclass   = VGA

> which exact version it is.  In general, for newer intel graphics cards,
> the best is to use the new xorg distribution, that should give you
> hardware acceleration.  Otherwise you can try xf86-video-intel in the
> old xorg distribution, but the risk is that it will revert back to using
xf86-video-intel will turn whole screen off and run at 100% CPU (checked 
by logging from other machine), then only reboot will get display back.

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