ZFS regimen: scrub, scrub, scrub and scrub again.

Zaphod Beeblebrox zbeeble at gmail.com
Thu Jan 24 21:11:56 UTC 2013

On Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 2:26 PM, Wojciech Puchar <
wojtek at wojtek.tensor.gdynia.pl> wrote:

> There are 3,236,316 files summing to 97,500,008,691 bytes.  That puts the
>> "average" file at 30,127 bytes.  But for the full breakdown:
> quite low. what do you store.

Apparently you're not really following this thread... just trolling?  I had
said that it was cyrus IMAP data (which, for reference, is one file per
email message).

> here is my real world production example of users mail as well as
> documents.
> /dev/mirror/home1.eli      2788 1545  1243    55% 1941057 20981181    8%
> /home

Not the same data, I imagine.  I was dealing with the actual byte counts
... that figure is going to be in whole blocks.

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