Tracking FreeBSD development with SVNews

Larry Baird lab at
Fri Jan 11 17:34:58 UTC 2013

This is a testimonial for a tool for tracking FreeBSD that doesn't get
enough publicity.  The tool is SVNnews.  Too see all FreeBSD modifications
for the last week try:

The real power is when you interested in looking at subsysystems.  

How about all of the modifications to FreeBSD 9 for the last week?

How about all the FreeBSD 9 kernel modifications for the last week?

Hopefully you get the idea.  My thanks to Oliver for putting together
this useful tool.

Larry Baird
Global Technology Associates, Inc. 1992-2012 	|
Celebrating Twenty Years of Software Innovation | Orlando, FL
Email: lab at                 		| TEL 407-380-0220

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