L1 cache thrashing affects performance of HIMENO benchmark

Adrian Chadd adrian at freebsd.org
Tue Jan 8 17:23:28 UTC 2013

... can someone please file a FreeBSD PR with some example workloads
and the dfbsd list summary?

I'd like to make sure we don't lose this particular thread.

It may be worth "teaching" jemalloc to offset the allocation sizes so
they don't hit this degenerate cache case, then do a bunch of testing
to ensure nothing has regressed.



On 5 January 2013 18:03, Adrian Chadd <adrian at freebsd.org> wrote:
> On 5 January 2013 13:54, Jason Evans <jasone at freebsd.org> wrote:
>>> Jason - any comments?
>> There are many variations on this class of performance problem, and the short of it is that only the application can have adequate understanding of data structure layout and access patterns to reliably make optimal use of the cache.  However, it is possible for the allocator to lay out memory in a more haphazard fashion than jemalloc, phkmalloc, etc. do, such that the application can be cache-oblivious and (usually) not suffer worst case consequences as happened in this case.  Extent-based allocators like dlmalloc often get this "for free" for a significant range of allocation sizes.  jemalloc could be modified to this end, but a full solution would necessarily increase internal fragmentation.  It might be worth experimenting with nonetheless.
> For at least this particular computational workload, the loss in
> throughput based on cache thrashing is significant enough to learn
> FreeBSD a negative mark in computational workloads.
> It'd be interesting to see which other workloads FreeBSD behaves poorly in.
> In fact, it'd be doubly interesting to get some people who _do_
> computational workloads to do some profiling using oprofile/pmc and
> report back. Maybe if we wrote a wiki page on how to do this kind of
> profiling and how to interpret the results.
> In any case, yes - I think it's worth pursuing this further as it's
> very likely not the only workload that exhibits this kind of cache
> unhappiness.
> Adrian

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