Getting the most out of nvi

Andy Zammy andyzammy at
Tue Jan 8 12:35:52 UTC 2013


I'm interested in using nvi as my IDE for developing. I made a thread on
the forum a while ago ( for those that are interested - ), and concluded I would
get a better response here. Since creating that thread I have gained a
working understanding of how to use ctags and cscope, but I still don't
think I have the most efficient interface possible.

I'm very interested to hear how the developers here use nvi to code.

One thing I'm really struggling with is full cscope integration with nvi
and it's tags system. Basically, using :cs find will immediately open up
the first result it finds, and I can't figure out how to bring up a list of
all results in order to select the one you want to open up. Can anybody
tell me how to achieve this?

Alternatively, I could launch cscope from a shell within nvi (:!cscope blah
blah), but this would open up a new session and start a new tag stack, so
its not a very fluid way to navigate through source code.

Any general tips on coding with nvi are welcome, even if they don't help my
above situation.

Kind Regards :)

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