Chicken and egg, encrypted root FS on remote server

Paul Schenkeveld freebsd at
Wed Feb 20 07:39:37 UTC 2013

On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 09:14:22AM +0200, Alexander Yerenkow wrote:
> 2013/2/20 Paul Schenkeveld <freebsd at>
> > Hi,
> >
> > I've been trying to find a solution for this chicken and egg problem,
> > how to have an encrypted root filesystem on a remote server.
> >
> > Geli can ask for a root password at the console to unlock the root fs
> > but that of course won't work for a remote server.
> >
> > Ideally I'd like the server to start, do minimal network config, run
> > a minimal ssh client (dropbear?) and wait for someone to log in,
> > provide the passphrase to unlock the root filesystem and then mount
> > the root filesystem and do a normal startup.
> >
> > I read about a pivotroot call in other OS-es, that would allow for a
> > very small unencrypted root filesystem to be mounted temporarily until
> > the passphrase has been entered and then swap that for a real, encrypted
> > root filesystem.  But AFAIK we don't have pivotroot.
> >
> > The problem could also be solved if the real root fs could be union
> > mounted over the small unencrypted one but unionfs won't mount over /.
> >
> > I found out that a ZFS pool where a specific dataset has the
> > mountpoint=/ option set can be used to 'buri' the unencrypted root under
> > the real root but that would render the unencrypted one unchangable
> > after the real one is mounted (prohibiting sysadmin to change the ssh
> > credentials or network config there).  It would also make maintenance
> > a bit more difficult because an import of the zpool would automatically
> > remount /, even when running from a cd-rom or USB stick.  And of course
> > this approach would not work in non-zfs environments (like very small
> > systems).
> >
> > Looking at sys/kern/init_main.c and sys/kern/vfs_mount.c I could
> > imagine having a kind of "pre root environment", an unencrypted root
> > that gets mounted first (along with a devfs) and a /sbin/init that
> > sets up minimal networking and runs sshd.  Aftre that one dies the
> > unencrypted root and devfs would be unmounted, the real root mounted
> > and the real /sbin/init started.  But this may be a considered a dirty
> > approach.
> >
> > Did I miss the obvious and easy solution?  Any ideas?
> >
> I'd like to propose you to see my similar setup - it's used for VMs.
> Idea is to have base OS in little partition, and use it only in RO.
> All data, and configs goes in different partitions, which could be
> connected manually or automatically.

So far, I've done something similar using the nanobsd(8) framework.
Disadvantage is that usually /etc is either part of the root filesystem
or a md(4) filesystem (like the diskless framework and nanobsd
use).  Another disadvantage is that upgrades to the root filesystem
(installworld, installkernel) do not work out of the box.  I was hoping
to get closer to a 'normal' installation for certain servers I maintain.
My ramblings about using nanobsd for servers can be found here:

> What you need is to specify in loader.conf
> init_script="/etc/"

Hey, this one is new to me.  Very interesting, won't solve this problem
but would allow things like having /etc on a separate filesystem and
things like that.

> My example:


> In this way, you can get RO booted OS, just waited for you to login and
> mount all required data.
> Also, you could contact Andriy Gapon, he managed to do other trick - boot
> from RO media such as CD, and run all OS as chroot, all transparently.

Thought about the chroot trick too but prefer to stay away from chroot
if possible.

> Hope this helps!

With kind regards,

Paul Schenkeveld

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