
Fernando Apesteguía fernando.apesteguia at
Sun Aug 18 18:14:58 UTC 2013

On Sat, Aug 17, 2013 at 8:00 PM, Carlos Jacobo Puga Medina <
cjpugmed at> wrote:

> Hi people,
> Despite I made a request not long ago[1], I'm looking for documentation to
> create the ps_strings structure man page because isn't covered in other man
> page such e.g. execve(2). So, I'm interested to know for what it's
> currently used.
> Any input will be appreciated.

It is for storing the vectors for program arguments and environment. They
are placed at the top of the process stack. This information is used for
instance, by the ps(1) program via the kvm(3) interface. The same structure
is accesed from the linuxolator (linprocfs.c) to implement the "environ"

In the first case (libkvm interface) a sysctl is used to retrieve that
information. Anyway, both paths end up calling proc_getenvv/proc_getargv in
kern_proc.c. Those are "selectors" for the function that does the actual
work: get_ps_strings. This function first calls get_proc_vector to copy the
relevant memory area (look for vptr in the "case" statement) from the
process stack and then it iterates to extract all the strings.

Have a look at the comment in sys/exec.h

All this is probably not needed for the man page, but hey, just my two

> --CJPM
> [1]
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