building world and kernel without ebuilding ("bootstrap"?) clang?

Lev Serebryakov lev at
Tue Apr 9 10:03:58 UTC 2013

Hello, deeptech71.
You wrote 9 апреля 2013 г., 3:06:42:

d> 1. Add the following or similar to /etc/make.conf:
d> CC=/full/path/to/clang
d> CPP=/full/path/to/clang-cpp
d> CXX=/full/path/to/clang++

d> Note: make sure clang-cpp or similar exists.

d> 2. Add the following to /etc/src.conf:
  This is NanoBSD build, so it doesn't use system /etc/make.conf and
  /etc/src.conf. I'll try to add it into NanoBSD configs.

d> Note: ``make delete-old'' will prompt you to remove the compilers.
  NanoBSD builds world into empty object dir every time. What should I

d> 3. In case of an "external", modern version of Clang, remove its
d> header files that are already present in the system at /usr/include (eg., stdio.h).
  Is "system" version (system is snapshot from Mar 30) is "external" and "modern"?

d> 4. Selectively apply to the source tree (all are required for my purposes):
  I'll give it a try.

// Black Lion AKA Lev Serebryakov <lev at>

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