FreeBSD on RaspberryPi

Tim Kientzle kientzle at
Sat Nov 24 18:56:55 UTC 2012

On Nov 7, 2012, at 8:09 AM, Alexander Yerenkow wrote:

> > Such experiments was tried by me and others in August; I got framebuffer worked in rca/hdmi; …

On Nov 8, 2012, at 11:12 PM, Alexander Yerenkow wrote:

> It was plain current with plain RPIB kernel config, and for graphic you should uncomment there partition about sysconsole; serial then disabled; 
> Also, if you want ethernet - it's ue device, which also worked, but produced hangs for me in past (Hans IIRC already fixed.this).
> I'll have some time this weekend, feel free to contact me by gtalk or else, I will play around with my rpi with both serials and vide modes.


I tried uncommenting the 'sc' entries in the RPI-B kernel
config that's in -CURRENT right now.

When I do this, I see the rainbow video on HDMI and
nothing on the serial console.

Can you try this and tell me what I'm missing?


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