FreeBSD needs Git to ensure repo integrity [was: 2012 incident]

Konstantin Belousov kostikbel at
Sun Nov 18 07:31:32 UTC 2012

On Sat, Nov 17, 2012 at 11:05:40PM -0800, Perry Hutchison wrote:
> [trimmed some of the lists]
> Chris Rees <utisoft at> wrote:
> > ... git doesn't work with our workflow.
> I'm sure the workflow itself is documented somewhere, but is
> there a good writeup of _how_ git doesn't work with it, e.g. what
> capabilit{y,ies} is/are missing?  Seems this might be of interest
> to the git developers, not because they necessarily want to support
> FreeBSD as such, but as an example of a real-world workflow that git
> currently does not handle well.

Git would work well with our workflow. It supports the centralized
repository model, which the project employs right now.

The biggest issues, assuming the project indeed decides to move to Git
right now, are the migration costs, both in the term of the technical
efforts needed, and the learning curve for the most population of the

Relatively minor problem, at least with the current rate of the commits,
would be a commit race, when the shared repo head forwarded due to the
parallel commit. The issue should be somewhat mitigated by the Git
allowance to push a set of changes in one push.
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