CVS commit logs removed by CVS update

Stefan Esser se at
Sat Nov 17 13:01:06 UTC 2012

To my big surprise I found that "cvs update" removed all the CVS logs
from "/usr/cvs/CVSROOT-*/commitlogs/*" (collection cvsroot-all).

While I do use SVN to keep source and ports updated on my system, I was
used to scan the CVS log files for commit messages of interest, to
locate commit messages where I did not remember the affected files, and
to have much faster access to recent commit messages than via "svn log"
(or when off-line ...).

Now I'd like to know, whether the log files have been removed as a side
effect of cleaning up after the security incident, or whether they were
deemed unnecessary remains from ancient CVS times?

Best regards, STefan

PS: I do have backups of the log files, but I'm really annoyed by these
    files being deleted on my system when I wanted to check for new
    information that might have been added to them ...

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